Sunday, March 13, 2011

Why Am I Wet Before My Periods


Feel that smell?

Close your eyes.

Or not.
Because if you do you may be dominated by a flood of emotions.

should write instructions for the use of essence: squote heavy heart.

... that's how you come to mind-and soul-awaken memories and feelings you thought now buried in the memory.

Smell is a powerful way for me.
stands there, quietly ... some part in the most various situations giving her a valuable contribution but not always realize it, what would be a good coffee without the aroma?! What a smell of clean laundry without??
as losses to sea without a strong smell of salt air and embracing? (Logical, then the sea is a true miracle from his ... the noise of the breaking waves, the surf ... evvabbè !!!!)

At first glance one is inclined to think the sight as the main way for a lot of things including the memories, but the 'smell? The sense of smell works ... Perhaps the view has

pay a stronger but he sticks to the sides, comes in the bowels ... then, if you think about it, somehow you can not view the "train" for not to get too upset: educate the habit of seeing someone or something, or not to watch or see someone or something ... but all'improvvisdo smell gets inside you and if you're not careful, if you expect even a little you can rip the heart
p hy the place where you throw is made of everything that surrounded that world: sounds, colors and moods ... not just the mere smell ...
Perhaps only music can have a kind of ...
resentment You know when a song ... e. .. e. .. you find exactly ... in the battered car, and when it's raining outside - the ecc'la! - There is hatred of the damp rain indoors, Pino Daniele on the radio singing x us.
I could be there now as everything is for real ...
but 100 years ago when I wore that sweater often mottled blue that had lent me, that was his and he became mine. When Kitty and I were going to take the examination of maturity and words I used Executioner effort to make them come out, but at that April afternoon I brought out a couple really important ...

The first thing you forget, you are afraid to forget, to forget that hurting a loved one is the fact that most will not feel his voice nor his scent ... which are two "things" to which it is difficult to remain separate and equally aggrappatti ...
so it is even more valuable when times return to e. .. and here is that when you least expect it encounters a scent and gives you everything!

The toast is now awake just fun: it is the breakfast special that there was only Dad!

Femme de Rochas : is my mother who was (and is) beautiful, only a trace of makeup and a few drops of her perfume he held precious, using sparingly.

The cake in the oven and she always sings Cocciante or concave on Sunday morning and is now party!

The smell of paint and lime with us and Teddy Brazzz the light - even that unique and memorable-the incandescent spotlight in what remains of our old house before it became as we had imagined.

And speaking of the smell of the dentist ??!!!??? Pure terror! (I'll quote kitty!:))

After a bit of a smell, especially to put on, do not seem to feel it and you can think of is lost, that's where you could fall into the error to take it in a shower ... But it is always there that starts to get yours, melt with you ...

is why I prefer to love him, and affezionarmici not change continuously.

Why in the world I hope that maybe one day someone feels the my perfume, close your eyes and rediscover myself. :)

my favorite perfume?? His! ... And I also really like the fragrance that sometimes wears:)

my background music: " soul" pino