Monday, February 23, 2009

Building A Climbing Cargo Net

s.Valentino The day that we celebrated, I had prepared a sweet easy
easy and highly effective ... all super-chocolaty!
The peculiarity of this trick is that you freeze it before cooking, then
is perfectly suited to be prepared when you have time and then consumed when needed. I did try
the whole family, from my lunch at s.Valentino, then yesterday I pulled out two more for godercelo calmly, Po and me.
a pleasure incredible, which has fully satisfied the craving for chocolate that is accompanying me in recent weeks.

Heart Chocolate Fondant with Vanilla Cream

For the cookies:
• 2 eggs • 100 gr of flour
• 100 grams of dark chocolate
• 60
g sugar • 20 grams of flour
• cocoa for the molds for the

cream: 4 egg yolks •
pint of milk • 1 teaspoon of vanilla extract or one vial of vanilla flavor
• 150 grams of sugar

I melted the chocolate in a double boiler with butter, then I did
cool slowly, going to stir occasionally.
Meanwhile, I mixed the eggs with sugar, without mounting much, and I added the flour
I then took 4 Cuki portion of those molds for the muffins, I've buttered and floured with cocoa
, making sure you get off the excess chocolate, then in the oven because it burns easily.
The molds must be filled to just over half, and then depending on the size of eggs that can serve 5.
At this point I closed with the cap portions and put them in the freezer.

Then I started to make a vanilla cream.
I put the egg yolks with sugar and vanilla, if you use the little bottle of scent, it should be mixed with milk.
Then I added the milk at room temperature the cream and cook, stirring, over low heat, without boiling, should be a little runny.
When he began to veil the spoon was ready, I would say that I cook for 6 / 7 minutes. The dose
of the cream is plenty for 4 stencils, which is why I used only a part, and I froze the rest, so that it is ready to go when I type ...... yesterday!
The cakes baked in the oven at 180 degrees for 15-20 minutes, depending on the oven. Outside
are soft, inside forms a core of creamy chocolate ...
enough to experiment with your oven to see what is the right time!

Wednesday, February 18, 2009

2010 Free Mn Crp Form

Sometimes they come back! The Ideal Breakfast

When I used to think of my maternity leave, although I would have preferred to go to the office every day, I liked to fantasize about how much I could do with the whole day free.
I thought about how I embroidered, I could cook to distraction and try many new recipe that I could settle peacefully the prince's bedroom and all the gifts that have already received.
But enthusiasm for the kitchen lasted a few days, when I mixed the potato gnocchi, which I then froze, I did conchiglioni stuffed lasagne and cannelloni ... and then .. poof! gone.
Not to mention the desire to embroider, part of the charm of a hobby crop, including all commitments, Dedicarcisi for a while, but if you have all day available, it is not attractive!
And the bedroom? .. It took was a night with PO. And his
clothes? 2 washing machines and half a morning to iron ...
Well, let me say, maternity leave is a bored crazy!
Fortunately we almost reached the goal, missing less than two weeks to the expected date of childbirth.
I personally start to be impatient, a little tired, a little curious to see it.
Although I understand that this cold is not so much encouraged to come!
However, by the way of cold, last night my husband has "ordered" pasta and beans for lunch ... and I have tried ... especially as I have experienced amass the dumplings!

dumplings with beans and mushrooms (Serves 2)

For the gnocchi:

• 1 egg • 100 grams of flour
• 1 pinch of salt water as needed •

For the soup:

• 1 can of pinto beans
• a handful of mushrooms
• one slice of bacon, diced •
half a clove of garlic, shallot
• Parsley • Rosemary •
olive oil • Salt and pepper
• chili

Although traditionally the gnocchi to the pasta and beans are made with only flour and water, I have them mixed with the egg.
With the mix I did a lot of balls that have spread so many snakes and then cut in the form of dumpling.
In the meantime I put the mushrooms to cook in a skillet with a teaspoon of oil, half a clove of garlic, salt, pepper and some parsley.
When the mushrooms have softened, I transferred everything into the pot, in which I put a spoonful of beans, bacon, shallots and rosemary.
I whipped around with the mixer and cook for 3 / 4 minutes on low heat. Then I
added strictly cold water, about 2 times the weight of pasta, beans and remaining.
I correct with salt and pepper, I added a teaspoon of oil, and let cook for about 10 minutes after the water began to boil.
And finally it was time for dumplings, I let it cook for 3 / 4 minutes after they had returned to the surface. In
dishes I added some fresh rosemary and a splash of oil, and in the PO some chili. Unfortunately I did not complete the picture of the dish: (

One last thing, thank you all, but really all the friends that are making me company during this period of black out from the internet and I apologize if I could not answer the mail ... unfortunately I can not read at home, but I will try to get back into the flush as soon as possible!