A reflection after the Abbot General Conference in Rome dedicated to Santa Francesca Romana I
CANONISATION of Santa Francesca Romana
I felt the need to put in writing to share what I felt at the end of the conference, and that, for lack of time I could not even share with those present in the omentum, in which all the conventioneers gathered around the tomb of St. Frances of Rome for a short prayer of praise and intercession. Sentiments prominent in my mind: I felt gratified by the contents and the development of the International Conference fully: I was very anxious and worried for various reasons until it begins. The other feeling, but much more than a feeling transition itself is a deep gratitude to Professor Alessandra Romagnoli Lady! Why?
Often the Lord puts in our way of life, and enables us to meet people who really do much more than help you: you turn to them and they are passionate about so much that perform far beyond what you expect.
As the path of holiness of St. Bernard, the Lord has brought together our Congregation father Reginald Gregoire, so to conclude the best events organized by the Sisters of Tor de 'Mirrors and we Olivetani monks to celebrate the fourth centenary of the canonization of Santa Francesca Romana, the Lord has put in our way The competent teacher Romagnoli.
Professor Alessandra, with the indispensable cooperation of our great historian father, George M. Picasso, has organized this conference the best. Even what might seem like a complication: the daily change of the seat, in the end proved to be an enriching experience.
A declaration of gratitude goes to those who organized the logistics of the event: food, accommodation and transfers to our Sun James Treasurer General of the Congregation. I am sure that the speakers were satisfied.
I am also grateful to Mr Gianni Letta, Undersecretary to the Prime Minister, who has won the patronage of the government for the conference, with a fair funding.
course, our most heartfelt gratitude goes especially to the good Lord, the giver of every gift. It should be noted that the liturgical celebrations in honor of the Holy affect eternity. A conference, including the Acts (which will be published as soon as possible) extension in time in history, in successive generations the knowledge of Santa and all that the life and works of Santa Francesca Romana raised in spirituality, in culture in the society, but also promotes and encourages the deepening of certain aspects of the personality of the Holy and perhaps revising some opinions on some events that concern.
For this reason, some sense, was incomplete efforts to celebrate the fourth centenary, if it were not for this conference, which has seen many personalities and competent scholars who have made us think about Francesca Romana and what is connected with her, especially on capital Art is so important, just the final day of the conference, the Holy Father found himself with the artists in the Vatican to give his tribute to art and to recognize its great importance for the Church.
conclude by quoting what the scientific committee had proposed to organize the International Conference: as has been written in the introductory booklet on the fourth anniversary: \u200b\u200b"The fourth centenary can be the appropriate occasion to expand their horizons to other aspects of the investigation because it will be the focus of the International Conference to be held in Rome in the autumn. The commitment of the scientific committee is aimed at promoting research, identifying new opportunities between the Middle Ages and early modern historiography, with particular attention to the events of worship, the historical events of the institution founded by Saint. Through the great devotional icon Frank it is possible to rediscover an important part of religious cultural artistic event in Rome. "
I think that all the participants at the conference will be of the opinion that these objectives were met and all, we have been enriched not only culturally, ma anche nello spirito, per an understanding Migliore della realtà , and an Accurate più conoscenza della Santa.
L'Osservatore Romano PS
23-24 novembre 2009 has Dedicato nostro due articoli the Convegno Internazionale.
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